Michael Savage

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Welcome by Scoobie Davis of Scoobie Davis Online
This site was created to assess the claims made in the Michael Savage's book, The Savage Nation: Saving America from the Liberal Assault on Our Borders, Language, and Culture.


Michael Savage Sucks A great site

Savage Stupidity This site is full of wit and sarcasm.

Blogger Public Nuisance has listed some examples of Savage's intense hatred of various outgroups.

The Unholy Alliance Behind The Publication of The Savage Nation: How A Christian Publisher Made A Deal With The Devil

The Savage Nation is a scabrous book by a man who is a nutcase, a quack and a virulent hatemonger. How The Savage Nation was published is a compelling (and sad) story. WorldNetDaily Books, a subsidiary of Thomas Nelson Publishing, a Christian publishing house that publishes Bibles and various Christian books, published The Savage Nation. Joseph Farah of WorldNetDaily, a web site of supposed conservative opinion, created WorldNetDaily Books. In reality, WorldNetDaily is an internet journal of misanthropy and anti-intellectualism (just the other day, WND had an interview defending creationism). Farah is a fraud and a dirty tricks operative posing as a journalist (scroll down to the post on front groups). Farah’s WND is not much better; it is revealing that many of its writers also have a problem with the truth (e.g., Ann Coulter, John Hagee, and Jerry Falwell). Didn’t the Bible say something about not bearing false witness against thy neighbor? For that matter what about the biblical prohibition against stealing? Falwell made a lot of money fleecing his flock with his phony infomercial with con artist Patrick Matrisciana, whom Farah declared under oath was “a good man, with a good heart -- who has poured his creative talents into a selfless pursuit of the truth.” Excuse me while I throw up.

In fact, when Matrisciana, the author the of the infamous Clinton Chronicles video was sued successfully by two law enforcement officers who were libeled in one of Matrisciana’s other anti-Clinton conspiratorial videos, Farah served as an expert witness and promptly perjured himself when he wrote in his affidavit that “the producers of the video acted well within the confines of accepted journalistic standards and practices.” Here is the truth about Matrisciana and his libel case. I find it funny that Bill O’Reilly called Hillary Clinton a liar when she claimed that there was a vast rightwing conspiracy to destroy her husband with libels and dirty tricks. O’Reilly’s charge against Senator Clinton is refuted by the history of Farah, the man who gave Mr. No-Spin a fat paycheck for his WND column.

Make no mistake; Thomas Nelson has every right to collect its thirty pieces of silver for aligning itself with Farah and WND and publishing trash like The Savage Nation. However, Thomas Nelson Publishing wants to have its bread buttered on both sides; it can’t simultaneously profit from charlatans like Farah and call itself a Christian company. Therefore, I am asking people to contact Louetta Sayne of Thomas Nelson at LSayne@ThomasNelson.com 1) Ask her why her company would do business with a mercenary con artist like Farah; 2) Ask why she would publish a racist kook like Michael Savage; 3) Ask her why a company that claims to be based on biblical values would make money from these moral lepers. It’s important.

Savage Racism

I previously noted that in Michael Savage’s view, Trent Lott’s endorsement of Strom Thurmond’s 1948 presidential candidacy were “innocent comments” but that the members of the Congressional Black Caucus who voiced opposition to the comments were “a lynch mob”—even though it was Thurmond’s campaign that opposed anti-lynching laws.

Were Savage’s comments anomalous? Hardly. The full title of the book is The Savage Nation: Saving America from the Liberal Assault on Our Borders, Language, and Culture. Protecting our borders is important—especially in the age of terrorism. However, Savage appeals to nativist thought on his radio show. The Savage Nation is no different. Savage wants to create an impression with his readers that “Private Ryan’s grandson is in the grandstands, cheering, as his land is being overrun by a flood of illiterate immigrants”(p. 125). Here are a few excerpts from the book:

When Savage was recounting an experience he had in San Francisco: “Just as we were crossing the crosswalk, a cab tried to cut us off and almost killed six of us. I naturally turned around and screamed at the driver, ‘Go back to where you came from,’ and that type of thing. He was a swarthy Middle Easterner, but I couldn’t have cared less.” (p. 13)

Savage referred to The National Council of La Raza as “a racist group.” He called The Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund “an anti-American racist group.” He called The NAACP Legal Defense Fund “an anti-white pressure group.” (p. 189)

In chapter 7, titled “Immigrants and Epidemics: TB, Anyone?” Savage makes the following comments:

“President Bush should declare: Middle Eastern immigrants can no longer leave America without a thorough examination by the FBI. You come in nice and easy, and we didn’t say a word. But you’re not getting out. That’s all. You want to leave? Go to the FBI. We’ll let you out in a few years” (p. 133).

“Maybe you think I’m paranoid when I say we must not allow immigrants to come here and impose their cultural-trappings on us, rather than respect the American culture. Fine. You’re entitled to be wrong. The next time you’re in your backyard grilling hot dogs, don’t be surprised if your Korean neighbor is actually grilling his dog. That’s the way things are done in Korea” (p. 128, italics in original).

REALITY: As a resident of the Koreatown section of Los Angeles, I can attest to the dearth of dog barbeques. If there is any consumption of dogs in K-Town, it is done covertly. The Korean-Americans in LA overwhelmingly respect the law as well as the rights and feelings of others.

Also, in his attempt to portray the left as soft on terrorism, Savage picks on the NAACP. Savage titled a sub-chapter, “IF THE NAACP HAD EXISTED IN WWII” (apparently Savage was unaware that the NAACP has been around since 1909, an error that SummaryOpinions.com also noticed).

Analysis: Savage, like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter, has gotten away with saying racist statements. What a pity.

Isn’t It Ironic?

Whenever I listen to Savage’s show, it’s as if I am watching a film in which the words of the actors are incongruent with their objective circumstances because they lack information that the audience possesses—a situation called dramatic irony. I had given the previous example of when Savage referred to Trent Lott’s speech in which he longed for a Strom Thurmond presidency as being only “innocent comments” and then referred to the members of the Congressional Black Caucus who dared to criticize Lott as “a lynch mob.” It seems to be lost on Savage that the 1948 Thurmond campaign had the goal of preventing the passing of anti-lynching laws in the South.

I was fortunate enough to listen to Savage’s show yesterday (yesterday I had mentioned how I found Savage’s show too repulsive to listen to; I forced myself to listen—the sacrifices I make for my readers). After listening to his 1/6/03 show, I reached a conclusion: Savage is a complete whackjob. Let me give one example: when Savage was discussing the most recent homicide bombings in Israel with a caller named Kurt and after explaining why “homicide bomber” is a more apt term that “suicide bomber,” he went on a progressively incoherent rant:

You know what’s disturbing, Kurt? It’s that the radical left-wing media—which is all of them—actually have the audacity to give the names of the human scum who blow themselves up. They’re not human. They’re lower than human clones...I’ll tell you the names of the humans. Here are the names of the humans who were blown up by the human scum yesterday...

Savage then read the list of the victims in the bombing. After Savage read the list, he screamed the following diatribe:

I may as well be reading you a death list from Hitler’s death camps. Have a nice day, moron. You’re the ones who did it. You liberals are the descendents of Adolf Hitler, only you don’t know it. You’re the most dangerous people on planet Earth. I am your enemy. I am your worst nightmare. I will expose you. I know who you are and I know you’re suicidal and I’m going to expose you until this government acts finally to stop you. I am not kidding you. I’m telling it as it is.

Don’t ask me what he’s talking about—I’m just the transcriber. More ironic were the comments right after this rant full of non-sequiturs: Savage went to another caller:

SAVAGE: San Francisco. Alex, you’re on the Savage Nation.

CALLER ALEX: I think the reason why you do so well on radio—as well as most conservatives—because you exude and encourage the traditional American values and that’s one of the reasons why you won me over...

Michael Savage on Front Groups

Front n. a person or organization serving as a cover for subversive or illegal activities.

In Michael Savage’s book The Savage Nation, he makes some odd charges against various groups. For instance, Savage uses the term “radical front group” to describe The League of Women Voters and The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (p. 187). When such a serious accusation is made against an organization, the burden rests with the accuser to let us know who or what is behind the alleged front. Savage leaves this out altogether—apparently Savage knows that his audience is comprised of people who aren’t concerned with such matters.

For the benefit of those not familiar with the concept of front groups and how they operate, let me give a textbook example of a front group that is close to Savage: The Western Journalism Center (WJC). WJC is headed by Joseph Farah who also runs WorldNetDaily (which published The Savage Nation). In its heyday in the 1990’s, WJC was a Scaife-subsidized front group disguised as a journalistic organization. It engaged in a series of dirty tricks; the best known of WJC’s dirty tricks was its full-page newspaper ads that supported “reporter” Christopher Ruddy’s error-laden conspiracy theories regarding the “mysterious death” of Vince Foster, a favorite paranoid delusion that has obsessed Scaife (60 Minutes investigated Ruddy’s “reporting” on Foster’s death and exposed Ruddy as a fraud; even Ann Coulter referred to Ruddy’s book on the matter as a “conservative hoax book”). Trudy Lieberman wrote a great article about the incestuous echo chamber that Scaife and Farah created in order to give legs to Ruddy’s smears. Lieberman quotes Farah: “We can reach key legislators, key journalists, key radio talk show hosts...It's an easy, inexpensive way to make sure Chris Ruddy's work just doesn't appear in Pittsburgh and just die."

WJC also used similar tactics in an attempt to give credence to the discredited stories of the Arkansas troopers who had been Bill Clinton’s bodyguards. Here was what happened: The troopers were paid by Scaife to tell lies to a “reporter” (David Brock) from a Scaife-funded journal (The American Spectator); in order to give credibility to this dirty tricks operation, a Scaife-funded front group (the Western Journalism Center) disguised as a journalistic organization give a “journalism award” to Brock for his “reporting.” In addition, Scaife-beneficiary Ruddy sold tapes of one of the trooper’s allegations. Ironically, after Brock came clean and repudiated the Troopergate dirty tricks operation (years after the troopers admitted they were lying for pay), Farah’s reaction was to treat the discredited allegations by the troopers as established fact and accused Brock of mendacity. It is not only Farah who is citing the troopers years after their stories were shown to be false. Recently, in an attempt to provide cover for Trent Lott, Sean Hannity repeated charges by one of the discredited troopers that Bill Clinton used the “N” word. This answers Savage’s question about why left-wing audiences don’t support talk radio. Answer: we don’t like being lied to.


Someone once said that if 1000 monkeys are on typewriters long enough, eventually one will type a Shakespeare play. Perhaps this is true. I do know that a few thousand monkeys on keyboards were able to create the Free Republic web site. These are the kinds of thoughts that go through my mind when I read Savage Nation by Michael Savage; the incoherence is staggering. It also staggers me that as I write this, Savage Nation is number four on Amazon.com.

Here is Savage’s satirical (?) take on Al Gore’s supposed agenda:

Okay, we all know it’s not about Al Goreleone [sic], head of the Goreleone Crime Syndicate. Gore, we must remember, is “his own man.” No, our concern is about his agenda. In fact, I recently imagined a highly classified document from Al’s personal journal which spelled out what America might anticipate with Al Gore in the White House.


1. Homosexuals in the military and homosexual marriage.
2. Affirmative action, or The Fairness for Dummies Act
3. Reparations for non-slaves by non-slaveholders
4. Hate-crime laws aimed at straight, white males
5. Racial profiling laws, aimed at straight, white police
6. A United Nations tax or a world tax
7. Free prescription drugs not only for the elderly but also for AIDS patients
8. Delegitimizing the Boy Scouts, or The Fairness to Predators Act
9. Outlawing homeschooling, or The Freedom from Learning Act
10. Arrest
[sic], ban, or rewrite the authentic Bible as a hate book
11. Mandatory application of Ritalin to any child with spunk, or The Security for Children Act
12. Complete elimination of borders with Mexico, or, The Fairness to Latinos Act
13. Partial-birth abortion or infanticide and the sale of baby body parts, or The Senior Citizen Life Extension Act
14. Increased license for Hollywood’s violence and pornography, or The Freedom of Arts Act
15. Socialized medicine and a national health plan, or The Freedom from Bad Behavior Act
16. The No Limits on Lawsuits Act
17. Mandatory suicide for sick seniors, or The Saving Social Security Act
18. The Fairness in Talk Radio Act, i.e., the end of talk radio
19. The end of the Electoral College and the congressional redistricting of America to ensure that never again will the Demoncats [sic] be threatened, or The One Dunce, One Vote Act
20. The complete seizing of all guns, or The Freedom from the Second Amendment Act
21. The abolition of our existing Constitution or The Freedom From Freedom Act

If this were intended to humorous, there’s one problem: there are no punch lines. In order to be good satire, something has to remotely reflect the target of ridicule. Except for perhaps affirmative action and gays in the military, there’s nothing in this agenda that Gore even remotely supports. It’s just invective word salad. I suspect item two was included just as an excuse for Savage to make a racist insult. Some of the alleged parts of Gore’s agenda don’t make any sense such as item 19; elimination of the Electoral College and congressional redistricting would do nothing to ensure that Democrats will never have their power threatened. Some agenda items contradict others—e.g., Savage seems to think that Gore is in favor of sacrificing babies to extend the lives of the sick elderly (item 13) but also that Gore is in favor getting rid of these same elderly sick people (item 17) AND giving them free prescription drugs (item 7). Which is it?

I realize this guy isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I expect some internal consistency. Where were the book editors? Oops. I just realized that the publisher is WorldNetDaily.

Michael Savage’s Quackery and Frivolous Lawsuits

In the book Savage Nation, one of Michael Savage’s many whipping boys are trial lawyers (scroll up to my previous post and look at item 16 of what Savage in his fantasy world believes is Al Gore’s agenda). Savage also bashes trial lawyers on his radio show for being excessively litigious. It seems that Savage doesn’t practice what he preaches because he was part of one of the most frivolous lawsuits in California history. I posted an article on it on HorowitzWatch because Savage used one of David Horowitz’s front groups to waste taxpayer dollars on his silly lawsuit (it was against the University Of California at Berkeley). Also, when I was doing research, I discovered that Savage wrote some quack medicine books under his birth name Michael A. Weiner. This is surreal.

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Carlton Sherwood

Sunday, October 19, 2003

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Friday, September 19, 2003

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Robert G. Kaufman two

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Howard Kurtz f
Howard Kurtz f
Howard Kurtz f
William Bennett g
Robert Bartley dfd
Robert Bartley fd
michael kelly df
Joseph Curl df
Joseph Curl df
Joseph Curl dg
Scoobie Davis sd
gore monticello sdfg
party crasher dfs
gore monticello sdfg
party crashing sdfgs
Jerry Falwellred
Pat robertson r
al gore monticello s
reclaiming america for christ sd
al gore monticello e
Karen Hanretty
Karen Hanretty f
dexter yager s
dexter yager s
Fox News channel g
Fox News channel g
Fox News channelh
Fox News channel c
Fox News channel d
Fox News channel r
Fox News channel t
Fox News channel f
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Fox News channel g
Fox News channel g
Fox News channel a
Fox News channel r

Amway w
Amway f
Amway a
Amway i
Amway f
Quixtar a
Quixtar f
Quixtar a
Quixtar a
Sean Hannity f

Sean Hannity e
Hannity d
Hannity a
Hannity a
Hannity cf
Hannity re
Hannity ad
Hannity i
Hannity i
Hannity y
Hannity y
John Hagee ministry g
Sean Hannity s
Sean Hannity s
Sean Hannity s
Hannity s
Hannity s
Hannity s
Bill Sammon s
amway blackwater s
bill sammon s
Justin Moon s
bill sammon s
josette sheerhan s
bill britt s
Larry Winters s
josette shiner s
chris matthews s
christopher matthews a
scoobie davis s
sheeran shiner
scoobie davis s
bill britt world wide s
doug wead s
L. Brent Bozell s
L. Brent Bozell t
L. Brent Bozell q
L. Brent Bozells
L. Brent Bozell s
L. Brent Bozell r
L. Brent Bozell g
L. Brent Bozell t
Media Research Center w
Media Research Center g
Media Research Center f
Media Research Center f
Media Research Center s
Media Research Center
Bill Sammon f
Media Research Center f
Bill Sammon f
amway f
quixtar f
Media Research Center f
party crashing k
liberty university k
clinton body count m
fox news v
Erik Prince v
Blackwater x
fox newsre
Amway ret
quixtar tre
alticor rrw
amway blog b
anti-amway g
Larry winters g
bill britt s
Erik Prince s
Blackwater usa s
barack obama muslim s
bill sammon s
sun myung moon s
amway s
ceci connolly s
spiritual sales s
amway kingpins s
moonie s
Amy Wallace r
quixtar q
amway diamonds g
Justin moon s
preston moon v
hyun jin moonq
Obama pledge of allegiance t
Kook jin moon a
Jack Kingston y
Kahr Arms y
amway kingpins m
Obama pledge of allegiance v
amway blog n
quixtar blog v
mlm blog b
amway blackwater
joseph curl v
John Solomon t
pyramid scheme v
limbaugh mccain x
barack obama most liberal t
Jack Kingston v
barack obama most liberal voting record v
limbaugh obama v
limbaugh falsehoods v
universal peace federation v
sean hannity liescv
Rush Limbaughcc vc
sean hannity links v
matt drudge liesc vvc
If Democrats Had Any Brains coulter
moonie times v
Washington Times v
Jack Kingston v
Jack Kingston vc
Jack Kingston v
Jack Kingston vv
rush limbaugh racist vv
Washington Times vvv
Washington Times vvc
Drudge Reportf
Bill Sammon trt
scientology anonymous vv
obama cult the
amway global wHAT
youtube cultsdoh

moonies youtube ok

sun myung moon youtubeyou
sun moon universitywe
sun myung moon video
fox news to
Troy Davis re

Saturday, July 19, 2003

jill rhodes hannity photo you
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Bill Sammon see the
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Bill Sammon there
Bill Sammon threr
Bill Sammon polk
Bill Sammon see
Jill hannity drudge
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satanic ritual abuse three
Robert G. Kaufman two

Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto review free

satanic scare there

sean hannity we
Rush Limbaugh
michael steele two
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Sean hannity blog we
rush limbaugh vince foster you
mark levin weiner nation i
rush limbaugh racist he
michael savage mark levin she
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Rush Limbaugh blog to
Ceci Connolly gre
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Ceci Connolly three
Peggy Noonan na there
Joseph Farah we are
David Horowitz see
obama ayers great
sean hannity hal turner two
Joseph Farah the
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Christopher Ruddy see
Christopher Ruddy see
Scoobie Davissss
Scoobie Davisdo
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Scoobie Davis
Mark Levin the
obama ayersthe
Richard Mellon Scaifethe
Sun Myung Moonthe
wes pruden the
Sun Myung Moon the
Wes Prudenthe
Heritage Foundation the
Michael Savage the
Rich Lowry the
Tammy Bruce the
Jonah Goldbergthe
Sean Hannity the
Fox News the
Roger Ailes the
Roger Ailes the
fox news the
Roger Ailes the
Laura Ingraham the
Ann Coulter the
American Spectator you
Weekly Standard you
National Review you
Brit Hume you
Jerry Falwell you
Bill O'Reilly you
Ted Olson you
Scoobie Davis you
Michelle Malkin you
Catholic league you
Scoobie Davis you
Karl Rove he
Scoobie Davis he
Oliver North he

Jeb Bush he
Howard Kurtz he
Chris Matthews he
Pat Caddell he
William Kristol he
Matthew Continettihe
Wall Street Journal Editorial Page he
Neil Boortzhe
Glenn Beckhe
John Stosselhe
Newt Gingrichhe
Regnery he
Margaret Carlson he
Margaret Carlson he
Tom Coburn he
Kellyanne Conway he
James Taranto he
Thomas nelson he
Marvin Olasky he
L Brent Bozell he
Michael Barone he
Scoobie Daviswhat
Scoobie Davis what
Charles Krauthammer what
Mark Steyn what
Chris Wallace what
Tony Snow what
John Gibson what
Karl Rove what
Karl Rove what
Karl Rove what
Karl Rove vwhat
Steve King what
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Karl Rove what
Nikki Cappelliwhat
Candice Michellewhat
Fox Newswhat
Fox Newswhat
Fox Newswhat
Fox Newswhat
Fox News what
Fox Newswhat
Fox News what
Fox News what
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Fox Newswhat
Tammy Brucewhat
Scoobie Daviswhat
Jerry Falwellwhat
John McCain Hageewhat
Jerry Falwellwhat
Jerry Falwellwhat
Jerry Falwellwhat
Jerry Falwellwhat
Jerry Falwellwhat
Jerry Falwellwhat
Jerry Falwellwhat
Jerry Falwellwhat
Jerry Falwellwhat
The Path to 9/11 what
The Path to 9/11what
The Path to 9/11 what
The Path to 9/11 what
The Path to 9/11what
The Path to 9/11 what
The Path to 9/11 what
The Path to 9/11 what
The Path to 9/11 what
The Path to 9/11 what
John Hagee what
Scoobie Davis v
Howard Kurtz v
Scoobie Daviswhat
john cloud what
john cloud what
Howard Kurtz f
john cloud f

Howard Kurtz f
Howard Kurtz f
Howard Kurtz f
William Bennett g
Robert Bartley dfd
Robert Bartley fd
michael kelly df
Joseph Curl df
Joseph Curl df
Joseph Curl dg
Scoobie Davis sd
gore monticello sdfg
party crasher dfs
gore monticello sdfg
party crashing sdfgs
Jerry Falwellred
Pat robertson r
al gore monticello s
reclaiming america for christ sd
al gore monticello e
Karen Hanretty
Karen Hanretty f
dexter yager s
dexter yager s
Fox News channel g
Fox News channel g
Fox News channelh
Fox News channel c
Fox News channel d
Fox News channel r
Fox News channel t
Fox News channel f
Fox News channel f
Fox News channel g
Fox News channel g
Fox News channel a
Fox News channel r

Amway w
Amway f
Amway a
Amway i
Amway f
Quixtar a
Quixtar f
Quixtar a
Quixtar a
Sean Hannity f

Sean Hannity e
Hannity d
Hannity a
Hannity a
Hannity cf
Hannity re
Hannity ad
Hannity i
Hannity i
Hannity y
Hannity y
John Hagee ministry g
Sean Hannity s
Sean Hannity s
Sean Hannity s
Hannity s
Hannity s
Hannity s
Bill Sammon s
amway blackwater s
bill sammon s
Justin Moon s
bill sammon s
josette sheerhan s
bill britt s
Larry Winters s
josette shiner s
chris matthews s
christopher matthews a
scoobie davis s
sheeran shiner
scoobie davis s
bill britt world wide s
doug wead s
L. Brent Bozell s
L. Brent Bozell t
L. Brent Bozell q
L. Brent Bozells
L. Brent Bozell s
L. Brent Bozell r
L. Brent Bozell g
L. Brent Bozell t
Media Research Center w
Media Research Center g
Media Research Center f
Media Research Center f
Media Research Center s
Media Research Center
Bill Sammon f
Media Research Center f
Bill Sammon f
amway f
quixtar f
Media Research Center f
party crashing k
liberty university k
clinton body count m
fox news v
Erik Prince v
Blackwater x
fox newsre
Amway ret
quixtar tre
alticor rrw
amway blog b
anti-amway g
Larry winters g
bill britt s
Erik Prince s
Blackwater usa s
barack obama muslim s
bill sammon s
sun myung moon s
amway s
ceci connolly s
spiritual sales s
amway kingpins s
moonie s
Amy Wallace r
quixtar q
amway diamonds g
Justin moon s
preston moon v
hyun jin moonq
Obama pledge of allegiance t
Kook jin moon a
Jack Kingston y
Kahr Arms y
amway kingpins m
Obama pledge of allegiance v
amway blog n
quixtar blog v
mlm blog b
amway blackwater
joseph curl v
John Solomon t
pyramid scheme v
limbaugh mccain x
barack obama most liberal t
Jack Kingston v
barack obama most liberal voting record v
limbaugh obama v
limbaugh falsehoods v
universal peace federation v
sean hannity liescv
Rush Limbaughcc vc
sean hannity links v
matt drudge liesc vvc
If Democrats Had Any Brains coulter
moonie times v
Washington Times v
Jack Kingston v
Jack Kingston vc
Jack Kingston v
Jack Kingston vv
rush limbaugh racist vv
Washington Times vvv
Washington Times vvc
Drudge Reportf
Bill Sammon trt
scientology anonymous vv
obama cult the
amway global wHAT
youtube cultsdoh

moonies youtube ok

sun myung moon youtubeyou
sun moon universitywe
sun myung moon video
fox news to
Troy Davis re
